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Our products

Our products are a free offer for women who wants help starting a new life outside prostitution and/or have been the victim of trafficking.

Often it will demand multiple steps before the woman is ready to start a new life. In NEWLIVES we aim to help each step of the way, and we want to do it in the candidates pace.

That is why our products range from minor “wake-up-calls” to working with the candidates self-image through coaching, mentoring, and supervision.

A new self-mage is often the first and most important step in direction towards a new career, and thereby a new life outside of prostitution.

A quick look at our free products:

  • Inspiration sessions (group)
  • Talent sessions (individually and group). The session includes a little but very important “talent card”
  • Quick-to-go-CV (one-hour sessions, individually)
  • Quick-to-go-competence card (45 minute session including printing)
  • “Mind Starter” (two-hour sessions)
  • Job coaching package (five two-hour sessions, individually)
  • Online coaching (individual extension to the job coaching package)
  • International follow-up (an offer of follow-up sessions (by phone or online) to the woman in her country of origin)

Most of our products contain printed material as Quick-to-go-CV, the CV, job applications, homework for the candidate and tips for job seeking etc.

Our products can be used separately or as a package.

Below are some key words about our products.

Output: The woman becomes curious.

Output: She gets an "eye-opener" and becomes curious and maybe motivated to work towards the next step. At least the session gives her a different, valuable and hopefully also an inspiring experience.

Output: The woman begins to see her own strengths and become (more) familiar with parts of her potential in relation to her talents, skills and passions. Important: She receives a small but important "talent card".

Output: The woman gets a quick, but effective, CV, which will be made alongside with the job coaches. For many women, this is a giant first step towards a new career: Her life is "suddenly" organized on paper, which is often a new thing for many of the candidates.

Output: The woman will have a quickly made but a very effective little competence card.  The card is ment to present her greatest skills, and it is often used by African women in their job search.

Output: In two hours the woman gets a full view of her priorities, her potential and what she should do and be aware of in connection with doing her first steps towards a new career.

Output:  If this outplacement process is well done by the woman and the job coaches, it will generate a whole new mindset for the woman. The woman gains new insight into her own identity and her potential outside of prostitution. She also achieves the complet set of tools to present herself verbally and in writing in her career search.

Output: As a standing offer the woman may get extra support via telephone and Skype if she needs this occasionally.

NEWLIVES employees have two types of coaches: a "Job Coach" and a "Talent Coach". Each of them performs various tasks related to coaching, mentoring and supervision within the NEWLIVES concept.
