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Our collaborators

Our collaborators are extremely important to us, because they are the organizations in contact with women who has been victims of human trafficking and/or are involved with prostitution.

Our collaborators puts us into contact with women who wish a new life outside of prostitution, and therefore needs help moving on. They also identify which women are in most need of our help.

Our collaborators make their premises available to us, so we can coach the women in a secure environment.

If one of our coaches are giving talent- or inspiration sessions for a group of women those sessions are also conducted in a safe environment, with the presence of employees from one of our collaborators in a room next door.

Two of our closest collaborators are shown below. With them we have worked closely with for more than 17 years.

Center mod Menneskehandel (Collaboration from 2007)

Center against Trafficking (CMM) works on a national and international level to help victims of human trafficking. For more information visit www.centermodmenneskehandel.dk

Reden International (Collaboration since 2007)

Reden International is an NGO that works to help victims of trafficking in women for a better future. Their target group is foreign women in prostitution with a particular focus on women who have been trafficked into the Danish sex industry. You will find them at www.redeninternational.dk

Municipalities and other NGOs that assist Danish prostitutes (Collaboration since 2007) .

For years we have also worked with Danish prostitutes. Those active who want to get out of prostitution and those who are out of prostitution but have not yet found a job, education or other career.

Individual inquiries from Danish prostitutes.

Several times it happens that individual persons with current/previous experience as a prostitute approach us. We also take them in as candidates. They are often highly motivated, but just miss the sparring with a coach, who is at eye level with the woman and knows exactly the conditions that the prostitute experiences/has experienced while working as a prostitute.

At NEWLIVES we are always looking for new and good business partners with the same goal - to make a difference for the individual.
